I spent a couple hours in the garage today, taking off the speedometer and tachometer in an effort to simplify the front end of the hornet. Not sure if I'll leave them off or not - I'll give it a week or so, and see what I think. I also painted the scuffed up headlight bucket. I like the look (from certain angles). I kept part of the warning lights, just a strip with 3 light bulbs on it, so I can still tell when I'm in neutral with a quick glance. I'd like a very simple, stripped down look in the end, and I'm very slowly getting there - but I'm still hesitant to do anything that can't be undone - so if need be, I can get back to a very stock cb360. I'm not trying to "cafe" it, or anything like that - I just want a nice, clean, classic motorcycle. And I'm starting to get there.
Very nice! I did the same thing a few weeks ago and can not bring myself to put the gauges back on. You really do not even miss them ...