Saturday, August 6, 2011

It Takes More Love to Share the Saddle than it does to Share the Bed

Yesterday was my 31st Birthday, and Kristen agreed to ride around the neighborhood for the first time on my motorcycle. We never got over 3rd gear, and kept bumping our helmets into each other, but it was incredibly fun. I think that's what these things were made for. I complain a lot about getting older - and how these kinds of dates are only sad reminders of the passing of time, but I really couldn't be happier with where I am. I have the most amazing girlfriend, perfect for me in every way, and we don't have much, but we have enough, and most importantly, we have each other. Here's to 31.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love your outlook Cory. Congrats again to you and KV and to being in your 30's.
