This was taken a while back at work. The Hornet is currently in the garage, working, but not charging itself. Tomorrow I'm going to go through all the connections and see if I can spot the trouble.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Hoser Hut
Yesterday I widened the gold stripe on the tank another 1/4 inch, just taping it off this time and brushing 1Shot over the thinner stripe I did previously. Also hooked up the new fuel lines and filters. The old ones were really weathered and nasty. Too bad it's wet out - maybe I'll be able to ride tomorrow.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Honda Heart Surgery
I bought a couple carb kits for the bike, and today I just jumped in with both feet. I opened the shop manual, pulled the carbs (a whole adventure in itself) and slowly, carefully, surgically took them apart. The kit came with new jets, float valve and gaskets. It was pretty simple, really, just take the pieces that look alike, and swap the old with the new. To my very pleasant surprise, once the carbs were reinstalled, the bike started on the second kick, and purred like a lion. I took it around the neighborhood for a bit and it seems to be running smoother. It still needs some more work to get rid of all the roughness, but this was a good start.
Thanks Kristen for taking the photos of me!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
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